
As part of the basic training curriculum, courses are assigned to you for completion. These courses will be completed before becoming eligible for graduation. The courses are to be completed solely by you and not in a group setting. The tests administered in the online training portal are not proctored and completed on the honor system. If you have any further questions contact your academy director.

How to complete the online course:

Go to:

Enter your email address and password.

Your account for this system was created when you completed the POST Application for Certification. Check your email for a welcome message and instructions. If you need further assistance email

Select the course from the available training by clicking the Launch button:

If you need to leave and return to the training be sure to click the "Exit & Save Progress" link before exiting:

In order to complete the training each section will need to be completed. In addition, each quiz and final exam will need to be passed at or above 80 percent. Each section will need an orange check mark to show the section has been completed.

Once you gain a score above 80 percent, be sure to click the "Exit & Save Progress" to record your final score.

Next, click the "Return to LMS"

Once you have a passed score reported, the course will not appear in the "Training In Progress" section. To Review the course, click on the "See courses I have already completed" button.

For any account issues, contact:

For any course questions, contact your academy director.